Why Prasada Jewelry
Jewelry for your Journey

Every piece of Prasada Jewelry is designed to be a reminder of a deeply held intention or a prayer that you hold in your heart.
It’s meant to help you on your journey by bringing you back to what matters most. We *know* that we should be grateful. We *know* that we’ll be happier if we are present in the moment. But to actually remember to come back to practices like gratitude, presence, and many others, we need reminders.
That’s what my jewelry is intended to do, that is how I hope it will help you on your journey through this life. Read Prasada Jewelry Stories below to see how it has helped others.
My work truly is a labor of love and I hope you feel that when you wear it!
About Prasada
Connection between Yoga and Jewelry
Meaning of Prasada
Jewelry comes alive
For a long time, I’ve wanted to combine my love for designing jewelry with my love for sharing teachings on yoga and life.
Our Guided Angel Wing Collection is the first collection to do this!
When you purchase a piece from the Guided collection, you receive a meditation download to accompany the piece. The message of the angel wings is to remember to trust in that which holds and supports you in this life – the universe, God, guardian angels, a loved one who has passed – however you personally relate to this notion.
My meditation leads you through images and experiences to connect you to this inner space of deep trust and faith. Then when you wear your angel wings, they become a constant reminder to return to this state of trust and letting go.
Watch for more collections coming that will feature this interactive experience, deepening the jewelry’s impact as a tool for your personal growth.

Read these moving stories about how Prasada jewelry has helped people just like you.
Prasada Jewelry Stories

Deborah Middleton, a fiction writer from West Yorkshire, England, bought matching Om necklaces for herself and her husband:
“I bought these necklaces so my husband and I could be connected, even when apart. My husband travels a lot, and I wanted him to have a talisman to keep him safe. The Om symbols remind us that we travel this extraordinary cosmic journey of life together. These beautiful Prasada necklaces are very precious to us!”

Linda Crawford, an accountant from Beverly, Massachusetts, bought her first Prasada necklace when she was on the cusp of some monumental changes in her life:
“When I bought my Vibrance necklace, I was going through a separation with my husband, my children were getting older and I was starting to become Linda again after years of being mom and wife.
I also lost my son years ago to cancer and unknowingly had never allowed myself to fully live again after his passing. The red for my root chakra and the sun for my inner vibrance were instrumental in helping me move forward.”

Stephen Masullo from Lenox, Massachusetts, bought an Om necklace during his training to become a yoga teacher:
“My wooden Om necklace is a reminder to me of the amazing, transformational experience I went through becoming a yoga teacher, as well as the life style of mindfulness I’ve stepped into.
My necklace acts like the breath in a meditation, a nice gentle reminder to be here now. It also helps me embody the compassionate, loving witness consciousness that was at the root of my transformation during my yoga teacher training.”
You’re supporting a small family-run business
When you shop with us, you’re supporting a small family-run business. Because of your support, I am able to do what I truly love and be present for the day-to-day with my kids. From the bottoms of our hearts, we all thank you.

Background and Inspiration: Thanks, Mom!

I grew up in a creative home. My mom is an artist, and we were always painting, cutting, pasting, stringing, molding – you name it. If it was messy and creative, we were doing it.
In school, I took whatever art, design, photography, wood shop, metal shop, drafting classes I could, and the creative seed planted in my childhood grew into my adulthood.
After I was fired from my job in public health research, I realized that along with teaching yoga, I would love to grow my passion for designing jewelry to be part of my work. So I began, step by step offering my jewelry to others and through years of exploring, learning, trying, evolving, I gradually built Prasada Jewelry as you see it today.
We care about YOU
We recognize that without you and your support, we wouldn’t be here.
We truly care about you as our customers and we’re deeply grateful for every purchase you make with us. We want your experience with us to be as seamless and fulfilling as possible. If we make a mistake, we’ll do whatever we can to make it right again.
Always let us know if there’s something we can do to make your experience with us better. Read more about Customer Care.

I want my jewelry to support you and those you love on this one grand journey through life.
My favorite thing about sharing my jewelry is knowing who is wearing it and why. Please write to me at the email below to share your story.
I love hearing from you! Email Allison: Allison@prasadajewelry.com
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