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Meet Allison
I’m Allison Gemmel Laframboise, and I believe that life is messy. And beautiful. And devastating. And intriguing. And exhilarating.
And I want to LIVE it, not just get through it. I want to BREATHE it, not just survive it. I want to sit in my rocking chair as a weathered old lady and say “Yes! THAT is where all the time went. And I’m still here! What can I live into in this moment, right now?”
I want to have EXPERIENCED it all, for better or worse, and keep experiencing it all until I take my final breath.
Want to join me?
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We have so little control over the things that happen to us – but we do have control over how we respond to the things that happen to us.
We can choose how to navigate fear, anger and loss when it comes. We can decide to cultivate joy and happiness every day. We can learn to be more present so we can take in the moments of our lives. We can master ways to live with hearts full of gratitude and abundance.
We can develop powerful tools to live NOW so we don’t wake up in 20 years and realize we’ve been numb, just going through the motions and barely getting by. These tools allow us, instead, to feel the joy, bliss, and ecstasy, to be present to the loss, hurt, fear, and realize we can move through it (without numbing or escaping), and not only be ok but thrive and grow from every life experience that moves through us.
This is a life-long exploration, and I am learning every single day (some days more gracefully than others!) Along the way, I’ve gathered a bunch of extremely effective, time-tested, tools to help me navigate life’s ups and downs more skillfully. And I’m passionate about sharing those tools with you, and others like you who want to grow and find ways to do it all better.
I teach these tools in my yoga and coaching work. My inspirational jewelry line is also rooted in this work to help you grow, as every piece is a reminder to keep you connected to you intentions and you heart’s greatest desires.
I want you to know that you matter, and I believe in you! Thank you so much for being here – let’s do this together!
Always with my love and gratitude,
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How I got here
“You’re fired!” I was stunned. I was shocked. I was appalled. I was a straight A student who graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Boston University six years earlier. I had kicked ass at this public health research company that was now giving me the boot. Getting fired happened to other people, not overachieving piano-lesson-taking perfectionists like me!
Yet, there I was. Fully and completely fired.
I had been on a Yoga retreat in Costa Rica and there was a miscommunication about when I was returning. Without giving me a chance to work it out, they axed me.
Although I was mortified and devastated, I immediately knew this mini-life-earthquake made total sense.
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You’ll never come back
I had been ready for a change from my research job, but too afraid to make it. Since the decision had been made for me, it was time to roll with it. I was over the 9 to 5 thing, so I didn’t rush out to find another secure job just for the sake of having one. I knew I wanted more, I knew there was something different waiting for me.
So I followed a calling and went to Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health to become a yoga teacher. My brother, Robbie, had warned me that if I ever went to Kripalu, I’d never come back. He was right.
There, I met my husband, Shaun. I met my long-time yoga teacher, Yoganand Michael Carroll. I found my new home – a place surrounded by the beauty of nature and infused with art, music and culture – the place where I’d get married, buy a home, birth my children and start several businesses, all centered around what I love most.
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Life opened up, and I made a choice to step into the terror and glory of something completely new.
It has many expressions, but all of my work is infused with a deep desire to help you grow into the best version of yourself. You will never be someone else. But you can be the best version of you. And I can help you get there.
In everything I do, what lights me up is meeting people who want to learn, people who are looking for ways to do it better – and by “it,” I mean life. People who want to grow through the challenges, learn to be more present, enjoy the high points as much as they can, and laugh at themselves along the way.
Join me in the journey!
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